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Digital Marketing For Results with Chris Cheetham-West

This week's special guest is Chris N. Cheetham-West, MBA is an international speaker, author, and Founder of LR Training Solutions. He started his career at Google, where he managed marketing programs and strategies for Google business products. Chris's speaking career has taken him all over the country including audiences in Germany and Canada. In 2020, he published his first book Digital Marketing For Results. This year LR Training Solutions was selected as one of the 100 recipients of a grant from the Comcast Rise Investment fund.

In this episode we discuss:

  • Is traditional marketing still important?
  • What do we have to do to get results in digital marketing?
  • How can we stand out among our competitors?
  • How do SEO and content work together?

Here are some snippets from our conversation:

Do you think traditional marketing is still important? 
I think traditional marketing is still important based on the type of business you have. If you're trying to get a huge amount of awareness, traditionally like commercials on super bowl, radio ads, to like TV ads, billboards, it's still beneficial, you know?

What SEO is and just provide a few tips? 
SEO is pretty much all the tactics, the strategies you do to rank your content higher on the organic search results. So you type something in, into Google, Bing or Yahoo. I would encourage people to try to get on the first page and eventually get on the top five listings on those.  When it comes to that first off, I'll tell people think about what are five keyword phrases that you would like to rank for that people are typing in Google to find a business like yours.

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